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4 Ways to Ask Off Work For A Gatlinburg Family Vacation

Vacation calendar
August 4, 2015

Whether you have worked at your job for less than a year or nearly a decade, asking for time off to take a Gatlinburg family vacation can seem a bit intimidating. You never know what kind of mood your boss will be in or if your request will be approved or not. However, before you decide to flip your desk and walk out the door, read through our tips on how to talk to your boss about your upcoming getaway you have planned to a relaxing Gatlinburg cabin rental.

1. Just Ask
Although you may feel intimidated asking your boss for time off to take a Gatlinburg family vacation, the easiest way to get your time approved is to ask. It is as simple as clicking ‘send’ on an email.
Chances are you know which times of year are easier for your company to allow employees to take time away. You also know the vacation time procedure outlined in your employee handbook. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel reluctant to ask for the time you deserve.
We do recommend you time your request just right. Asking your boss on a day where there is a major deadline pending may not be the best choice. Wait until you know he or she is in a good mood or is feeling extra talkative. This will mean they are more likely to give you the go ahead.
If your boss is busy, we also recommend you get your approval in writing. Whether it be an email or an event on your calendar, having a paper trail of your approval will help if your boss accidentally forgets your time was already approved.


2. Plan Ahead
The easiest way to make sure both your coworkers and your boss are happy about you planning a Gatlinburg family vacation away from the office is to make sure you give them plenty of advance warning. We suggest you start the process at least a couple of weeks before you plan on being away. This will give everyone involved a chance to prepare and decide which tasks or projects hold priority and which ones can wait until you return.
Planning ahead will also give you time to tie up any loose ends before you leave for your trip. This way, you don’t have to worry about constantly checking your email or staying in contact with the office when you are trying to destress and unwind while you are away. Just think of the extra time you put in leading up to your trip as an extra hour or two you have to have fun with your family and loved ones during your vacation.

3. Present the Facts
It is astonishing the number of vacation days and paid days off that go unused every year, $52.4 billion worth to be exact. Not only does this number reflect the amount of free labor you and your fellow coworkers are giving employers, it also means you aren’t giving yourself a break to refresh and unwind throughout the year. Also, by doing so, your chance of developing burnout, fatigue, and anxiety. Pretty shocking right?
Now imagine taking these statistics to your boss when you request a day off. Explain to him or her how a couple of days away will do wonders for boosting your productivity. You can also include how studies have proven that employees who take a vacation live longer and live healthier lifestyles.
(See Related: 6 Tips For A Stress-Free Gatlinburg Family Vacation At Our 3 Bedroom Gatlinburg Cabins With Mountain Views)

4. Emphasize How You Deserve A Break
If presenting the facts still isn’t enough to convince your boss to let you take a Gatlinburg family vacation, you can try explaining to him or her how you deserve to take a break. This is one of the few times where it is ok for you brag a little about your work accomplishments, including the new client you just signed or the big project you finished a week early.
If this is your first big vacation in a while, remember to include it in your pitch.
However, if you choose to take this path, we recommend you have details to back up your claim. Remember, this is your boss and he or she knows what each of your accomplishments mean to the company as a whole.
Now that you know all the different ways you can easily ask off work for next trip, it is time to start planning your next Gatlinburg family vacation today! To get started, read our blog about 5 Tips For An Awesome Gatlinburg Family Vacation.